We'll its taken a few months but in the words of the Proteus computer in " Demon Seed " - "I'M ALIVE!!!" My Lynx has been restored to full working order by Dave at Tynemouth Software and his account of the fix is here . Basically it needed a new Z80 CPU and one new EPROM that had to be flashed with the right software. Having received the machine a couple of days ago, I have spent sometime trying to load the tapes that still have of course including my very own "Super Air Raid". To my great joy, after quite a few attempts at adjusting the tone/volume on my cassette player one of my tapes loaded and for the first time in 30+ years the machine was running my game as evidenced in the following pictures. A video show the game running is below. I also was able to get various other cassettes to load - SIDE A of the intro tape supplied with the machine, REVERSI, SNAKE and NUMERONS There are plenty mo...