Uh oh - no beep :-(

The moment of truth had come - time to plug in the Lynx

I still had an analogue 14 inch portable TV - a Matsui with a built in video cassette player from the early 2000's in the loft as well. When I found the remote control for it though the unfortunate thing was that the batteries had been left in it for the best part of 10 years and had burst and crystallised like sugar. So more cleaning up but amazingly all the contacts were good and with a new set the remote and the TV worked straight away.

I had a look on Ebay for anything Lynx related and came across a RGB cable that looked interesting from seller http://www.retrocomputershack.com

I put an order in and the able arrived a couple of days later.

First I plugged in the power unit and without connecting, turned it on. Putting my ear to the unit, a slight hum could be heard - a good sign I thought.

So I proceeded to connect the power to the Lynx and without connecting to the TV I flicked the switch hoping to hear the welcome "BEEP".

Nothing, nada, silence.....

Its dead.

However, the power unit did start to warm up, that is at least a potential sign that it is ok and the Lynx was drawing power.

So deflated, I thought what am I going to do about this?

I researched vintage computer repair and found a couple of people (detailed on the "Useful links" page) that sounded like they maybe able to help.

I spoke to Dave at Tynemouth Software and seeing his recent repairs on his blog gave me confidence to a least give him a chance to attempt a fix. The Lynx will be going to him in the near future.
